Embark on an extraordinary voyage through the captivating Greek Isles aboard the 162' (49.50m) Luxury Explorer Yacht ASTERIA. This vessel is no stranger to unique destinations, having traversed the globe on numerous occasions. With comfortable accommodations for up to 12 guests in 6 staterooms, ASTERIA offers a spacious interior layout that will leave you feeling well-rested and ready to explore. The owner's stateroom, outfitted with large windows, provides a full-beam retreat, while an adjacent kid's cabin ensures convenience for families.
Indulge in breathtaking panoramic ocean views from ASTERIA's upper salon, where comfortable seating awaits, perfect for sightseeing. Prefer the outdoors? The spacious aft deck beckons with seating for 16 guests. Guests can unwind in the warm and bubbly Jacuzzi conveniently located on the sundeck.
But the adventure doesn't end there. ASTERIA offers an array of thrilling activities to enhance your experience. Explore the Greek seas with our collection of jet skis, kayaks, sailboats, paddleboards, snorkel gear, and dive gear. Immerse yourself in the vibrant underwater world, discovering the hidden treasures beneath the surface.
ASTERIA, a Boat International Voyager Award-Winning Superyacht, stands ready to take you on the expedition of a lifetime. Experience the unparalleled beauty of the Greek Isles, revel in adventure, and create memories that will last a lifetime as you sail through the mesmerizing waters aboard this extraordinary vessel.